WE WILL NOT FORGIVE MILLS IF HE FAILS Many of us really wish the president well and hope he succeeds not least because of his humility and measured approach.he is totally different in approach from the Kuffour team that inflicted humiliation on us and expected us to thank them for it. However after six months of mills it is very difficult to say we are on the right track however magnanimous i try to be. There is lack of strong personality and direction at the center and i struggle to see any boldness in action or thought from the president and his team. Also it seems the president especially is overwhelmed by the problems of this country ad is struggling to decide where to begin. We all know the NPP left this country on a broken limb but we Ghanaians are not prepared to wait .We want solutions now. The president is too touchy feely and does not want to step on toes but that is what governance is about.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Posted by
12:39 PM
Labels: governance, Media, Mills
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Its is not Perfect but it is a great and wonderful dream Sure i would never hold a Federal United States of Africa passport in my lifetime and i may not be able to travel effortlessly between African countries as of it was one nation, but the dream of African unity is un-undying passion that makes my heart glows every time i think about it.This wonderful yet almost illusive dream fashioned by our illustrious fore bearers is both uplifting and disappointing depending on which side you happen to be standing at what time . It is one of the few things that all Africans aspire to but deep inside we hope it is not only a vision. every year on the 25 of may people across the content are reminded of this dream of our fore fathers to make the African continent one nation. The celebration that goes wit this day always so much emotions and debates as to whether the project of Africa Unity is even a desirable vision not to mention whether it will ever be attained. Then there is the perennial cynical view that since the early 50s African leaders only shuttle between capitals for unproductive talk shops that does not yield any benefits for the ordinary African or fails to move the continent any closer to unity. some say the reborn AU is no different from the erstwhile OAU which many have consigned into the dustbin of history as one of the failed multinational organizations with lofty intentions but lacking pragmatic actions. we live on a continent where we have been programmed by both internal and external factors to always see the negative and ignore the successes and the positive. the bad news has drowned out the good news so much so that good news and successes are rare. This condition has been applied in assessing performance of the OAU What many fail to recognize is that that the AU has been through an evolution and a deep analysis will show that it really did more than average in fulfilling its missions and goals. One of the prime goals of the OAU in its formative years was to liberate the continent from colonial domination.This goal was achieved in record time which brought some of the very best in Africans and showed that together we can collectively achieve.Within less than a decade this was actualized leading to the liberation of over a dozen colonies.By the 25th year of the existence of the OAU only a handful of African colonies were under colonial control and in those places strong efforts were underway to liberate to areas.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Labels: African Unity, Debate, diplomacy, Kwame Nkrumah
ARE OUR LEADERS READY TO SAVE US FROM THEM? Last week we all listened in horror as the IMF staff mission leader Peter Allum delivered his report to his bosses in Washington. his report was as usual laden with bitter pills for us to swallow. One of the main concerns of the IMF was the government's partial subsidization of energy and utility tariffs to low consumers. According to Mr. Allum this is one major concern of the Fund and they see it as one of the main problem areas of our economy. So predictably the IMF is urging the Government to cut this all important lifeline to the poor (one of the few things citizens get to enjoy from the government). After the G-20 in April summit the G-7 countries realizing that they have lost some clout economically , south to entrench their domination by giving the IMF more powers and resources. The newly re-launched IMF is determined to continued from where they lefty off prior to the Global Financial Crisis. Forcing small developing counties to go through painful reforms that do not yield any benefit but causes a lot of misery to the poorest in the society. The change in government from fairly right-wing NPP to the 'social democratic' NDC is expected to lead to a resistance of the cutthroat policies from Washington. we are keenly watching , especially at a time of great economic upheaval whether the good prof. and his NDC will be worthy of our confidence and trust in the management of our economy away from all the dependency traits that has contributed in holding us back.This is time for assertive leadership that can intelligently jungle asking for money from the fund (because we desperately need it)while at the same safeguarding some our very sensitive sections of the population from cutthroat and painful reforms that hurts. The Bretton woods system is clearly set up against our interest so if our leaders will disregard good and sensible counsel and go ahead to do the biding of the fund , then we are truly doomed.Forced reforms always end in disaster and countries that have benefited from good reforms always do so on their own accord and not under duress. We all saw how powerless the Breton woods were when some of thier acclaimed "star pupils" in eastern and northern Europe who have followed liberalization policies to the letter came close to economic implosion. The IMF had no answers to the collapse of the Global financial system which they had shaped and influenced over the last two decades. Our leaders must be wise and not let us down. the fact that full cost recovery is working in other countries does not make it the optimal policy choice for us too.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: IMF World Bank, liberalization, policies
Monday, May 18, 2009
.... Real change is elusive in terms of posture and orientation Those of us who rooted for Atta mills to ascend to the presidency because we thought he was going to be our answer to the real change that was needed are left scratching our heads and left wondering if he can provide at least some hope to the change agenda Only a week ago the media space was completely dominated by abject discussions and debates about the true number of people and functionaries included in the presidents entourage and the true cost of the trip to the UK. The president's media czar defended the number and the expenses on a host of media outlets , claiming that Ghanaian must rather consider what came out of the trip rather than the cost. for a moment , i thought it was Kwabena Adjepong or Andrew Awuni or or better still defending Kuffour over his numerous travels. Mahama ayariga ,when quizzed , insisted that the travel to the UK was to secure funds to balance our budget and to fund some critical projects.and that millions of pounds have been pledged by the UK government towards such.In a way that argument answers the critics (especially those from the opposition NPP) who have been mocking the president for being locked up in the castle and unable to travel outside the country to look for funds to run the country. That is the aspect that saddens me the most ;that our measure of the success of leadership is the leader's ability to beg for more funds from western nations This is the level we have reduced ourselves to. and sadly our president has bought into it. This mediocre leadership style that is low on cerebral work but heavy on little things that appears grand but hollow inside is what we rooted for the Prof to change but it looks like so early in the day our hopes will be dashed. What is even more annoying is that our new president is also trapped in the neo-colonial mind that dictates that we must maintain a "special" relationship with our colonial oppressors. even the act of the president first visiting the UK in his first official trip outside of Africa at the expense of missing the swearing -in of the new president of South Africa! In the new geopolitical reality we find ourselves in our leaders must be nimble footed and forward thinking. The world is totally different in geopolitical terms and diplomatically from the one they knew when growing up. If they are impervious to the reality , they better have a second look at the events at the G-20 convened in London on the 1st of April to discuss ways out of the global Economic crisis.Only a few years back that summit would have been dominated by only a few western countries while big powers like China , India, Russia,Brazil and South Africa wouldn't even get a look-in. the worlds power centers have not only shifted by it is spreading , creating many centers of powers. The world is becoming 'Flat' and the traditional political ,economic and diplomatic superpowers are having to cede some of their powers to other countries because they have no other choice. The newly emerging powers are propping up the western economies through all forms of investments and trade. Our leaders must recognize the new reality and take actions that will enhance our development. The unreasonable attachment to our colonial ties must be shed away and embrace the new era that has dawned on us. The president must know that the change agenda also includes foreign policy; we must revolutionize our foreign policy outlook to benefit from the new age and form powerful partnership with the emerging powers who will pull us towards the expanding center. Also the "beg mentality"of our leadership must be shed away and a more cerebral , creative and and dignifying attitude to adopted. If the job of the presidency is simply going around western countries begging for money , then most of us "simpletons can be better president than those we have had.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: change, diplomacy, geopolitics, power