Thursday, December 20, 2007


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It has been a watershed in the checkered history of our nation. This year’s unprecedented campaign for the position of flagbearership of the NPP has revealed that our fledgling Democracy is not out of the woods yet. This is a race that has shown how low the NPP is willinig to stoop to win political power. The flagbearership campaign has become a money circus with the highest bidder likelely to win the race. This has led the contestants to engage in a money spending spree never witnessed before even in general elections in Ghana history. This has angered a majority of even NNP party member who have been complianing about the use of money by the contestants. Leading the rage is Dr Arthur Kennedy who has not only expressed worry about the amount of money being spent by the other contestants but also he is questioning the source of their staggering wealth. He is calling for thorough investigations into thier spending and also be queried on the act odf bribing delegates. The widely acclaimed hardworking former General Secreatry of the NPP, Dan Botchwey has also expressed frustrations over the use of money. He is adament that their source of wealth is not unquestionable. To add to that other well respected and objective commentators have also condemmed the flagrant use of money by the majority ogf the contestants. Luminaries like Kweku Sintim Misa (KSM) have questioned

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