Wednesday, March 11, 2009


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It probably is the most unanticipated budget in almost a decade and sure it was an unheralded affair. Right after the hurried transition there was a huge issue about the true state of the economy . whilst the out going NPP insisted they left a far better economic legacy than they met , the incoming government and the world Bank were shouting from the the rooftops about the worsening economic conditions. The ensuing debate led us to one conclusion : the economy was in dire straits and Ghanaian must brace themselves for the coming storm that was going to be very rough. Many Ghanaians get the message, the economy is in a mess and that they should expect very little from the government. The overarching theme of the budget was Fiscal discipline and austerity at all levels of governance with the most coming from the executive.There are so many initiatives and ,measures geared towards cutting out waste and monitoring how monies are spent in all the MDAs. It is dense of good governance initiative and waste -cutting. If all these initiatives will be implemented then it will mark the beginning of a new era of accountability and openness in governance. What the budget is short on is bold visions and initiatives that will give a clear direction to the nation.

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